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NOTE : This content is for those who are interested in selling their products/expanding their business. Blogshops are NOT involved.
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Red Carpet Ad (PAID AD) : Megane Collezion


Red Carpet Ad (PAID AD) : The Vanilla Twilight Store


Sunday, April 12, 2009

April and Mother's Day Promotion

Good news babes!
You know how much mummy means to you right? More than words could say; they're the best, besides our dads. :)
Anyway, this Mother's day, why not show your love to her by rewarding her; pampering her with love and care? (This does not mean you should only pamper her once a year. Pamper her everyday; because she truly deserves it!)

At Patty Belle's, they are having an April and Mother's Day promotion. Promos like ;
1. Tresor collection - Cosmetic pouch ; RM24.90 and it's now RM18.00. :)
Mothers love to use cosmetics, no? So come on, lets give her a pretty cosmetic pouch so that she could keep all her favorite make up products in! ;)
2. Free postage if you buy their yuan soap!
(new yuan soap coming out end of April or May; so stay tuned!)
Types of soap available :
Mandarin Orange Soap
Antibiotic was discovered in a mould found in an orange peel. The tangerine plant is also calming and great for relieving stress. Besides the functions of preventing the formation of cellulite, it has a gentle whitening effect with antibacterial properties.
Auspicious Soap
Artemisias, mugwort and lemon grass are widely used to eliminate obstacles and beckon bliss. Among these ingredients, artemisia has the most comprehensive positive energy. It is among the very few natural anti-bacterial plants which not only help purify the body and mind and your skin complexion.
Forest Pine Soap
The skin will show signs of life’s pressure and anxiety. It needs relaxation and quietness through which only can the biological mechanism of self-healing be activated. We may not have the time to practise yoga or meditate regularly, but we can shower once a day to cleanse ourselves. It is only right for us to balance and calm our body and mind.

3. Free postage if you purchase RM100 or above (within Malaysia only). (Do sms or email the owner for discount)
4. Free RM30 voucher for purchase of RM300 and above.

There will also be an event in Monash University at Sunway. It's the Monash Music Festival on the 25th of April, 2:00pm onwards.
Oh, and do check out the product highlight : NEW HANDMADE FEATHER HEADBAND! ;)

Now aren't we excited? Click on to Patty Belle's to check it out!

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