Interested In Expanding Your Business?

NOTE : This content is for those who are interested in selling their products/expanding their business. Blogshops are NOT involved.
Starting a business and need advertising to expand it? No problems! We will help you!
For a price of RM20 per year, you can advertise your products and promotions in this blog. However, advertising space is limited.
We also provide paid advertorials (charged per write up basis) for a minimal fee. Do email us to enquire. Thank you.

SECOND NOTE : If you would like to advertise your blogshops, just contact us and we will help you do so for free. This space is for those who are having a small business and would like to promote their products.

NEW NOTE : We do provide paid advertisements for blogshops, but your banner will be placed at this section, not at the sidebar section. Do contact us for more details. Thanks.

Eg. If you are owning a hair salon and would like to inform our readers on your promotions and products, do contact us through this email : with the title "I'd like to Advertise"

Thank you!

©This is strictly copyrighted by the Shop Like A Celebrity! crew.
A BIG NOTE : If you would loves us to review/link you for free, do email us with the title, "Review Us!" or "We are New!" or something like that. Sorry for the miscommunication, we have been getting many confusing emails lately.

Red Carpet Ad (PAID AD) : Megane Collezion


Red Carpet Ad (PAID AD) : The Vanilla Twilight Store


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Firstly, a late Happy New Year, everyone!
I bet a lot of you have New Year's resolutions!
One of my resolutions is to shop less and spend less.
Well, I've been spending quite a lot lately and I need to save for a rainy day.
AND lately I found myself buying compulsively without thinking. I mean, who needs ten halter neck tops? That's like, crazy. Yea, its me calling myself that.
So peeps, do not go through this 'therapy' like I did.
Think wisely before spending!
Look out for more budget features coming right up! ;)

Have a wonderful new year ahead!


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